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All Posts (Page 5)

Lord to Whom Shall We Go?

Words have meanings. Back in 2015 the Supreme Court decided that states had to recognize same sex marriages as valid marriages. In essence, the Supreme Court decided to redefine marriage. The meaning of marriage was changed. Many Christians were mocked for standing against this ruling. We were labeled as haters. Even well meaning Christians said, “Why not just let…

Epiphany – To Reveal; A Manifestation

On January 6 the church celebrates Epiphany. This is the celebration marking the revealing of who Jesus is, true man and true God. On Epiphany we hear about the Wise Men who come to worship Jesus in great joy, but we also hear about King Herod who was not overly joyful at the birth of Jesus. This is how it is with God becoming flesh and coming into the world. John says it…

The Reformation: Rooted in Pastoral Care

In Sunday School we are walking through The Augsburg Confession. The reason for this is because the AC (Augsburg Confession) is actually a great Bible Study tool. More than just a historical document, the authors of the AC show that everyday life really is connected to the Word of God in many ways. In fact this was the basis for the writing the AC and the Reformation as a…

COVID Vaccine: To Get It Or Not?

Some employers are requiring vaccines or asking employees why they would like an exemption from being required to receive the current vaccines on the market. It is a strange time when health decisions have become so divisive. The question then is, “Why would I get the vaccine?” or conversely “Why would I not get the vaccine?” Our world moves at…


The theme at Higher Things this year was “Forgiven.” The conference was a focus on the Office of the Keys. What is the Office of the Keys? “The Office of the Keys is that special authority which Christ has given to His church on earth to forgive the sins of repentant sinners, but to withhold forgiveness from the unrepentant as long as they do not repent.” Where do we get…

Alleluia, Christ is Risen!

On Easter Sunday, and throughout the Easter season, we begin to hear what’s called the “Paschal Greeting.” I not only use this greeting during the season of Easter but also at every funeral. It is, “Alleluia, Christ is risen,” and in reply, “He is risen indeed, Alleluia.” What are the origins of this greeting? We’re not…