What to Expect

What to Expect

We offer a traditional Lutheran worship service every Sunday morning at 8am and 10:45am, conducted by Rev. Tab Ottmers. We also offer Adult and Children’s Sunday School at 9:15 AM.

For more information on what we believe, see this page.

When you enter the church for Sunday worship, you will be welcomed by an usher or a greeter. You will receive a Church bulletin which contains the Order of Service. We use the Hymnals (Lutheran Service Book) in the pews for our hymn singing and for Communion. The Lord’s Supper is served every week. See the Calendar for more details.

At Immanuel we believe in the time honored and biblical administration of the Lord’s Supper. If you are not currently a member of a Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod congregation or a church body in fellowship with us, we ask that you refrain from taking the Lord’s Supper at this time. If you are a member of an LCMS congregation but yet you are unrepentant we also ask that you refrain from receiving the Lord’s Supper. St. Paul teaches that when we commune we are one in faith in Christ. If you do not know what we believe, are not a member of our church body or you are living an unrepentant life, you are not in unity with us. St. Paul warns that if there is disunity, the Lord’s Supper then becomes an eating and drinking of judgement. If you have questions please speak with Pastor Ottmers to discuss this matter. We desire that all would be in unity – that is why we have regular membership classes for anyone to attend with the goal of membership. (more…)

As you enter the church you may hear a little more conversation that you expect. Most of our members know each other and chat before the service begins. Also we seek out visitors to learn more about them and answer any questions that they may have.

Our typical Sunday service lasts about 1 hour. Since we believe faith comes from hearing, children are invited to attend and remain with their parents during the entire service. This also gives the children the opportunity to learn from watching and hearing their parents. Later, an attendance folder is passed out to each row in the church. Please fill in the requested information if you would like us to get in touch with you.

After the service is concluded the Pastor and other members may take a few minutes for announcements.

Pastor Ottmers will be standing by the doorway to greet the worshipers.

We hope to see you soon!