Third Sunday in Lent, 2021
There is an exchange that happens today in God’s house. God takes all your sins and He gives you forgiveness–for free. That is his zeal. He cleanses you. This is what consumes him because his Holy Spirit works through the word and sacrament.
Second Sunday in Lent, 2021
We move our eyes from the enemies in the world, and we confess that we are our own worst enemy. But we also hear and remember that Christ has died for us, to make us no longer his enemies but friends, brothers and sisters–children of God.
First Sunday in Lent, 2021
Transfiguration of our Lord, 2021
Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, 2021
Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, 2021
Third Sunday after the Epiphany, 2021
Second Sunday after the Epiphany, 2021
Baptism of Our Lord, 2021
There is only audio available for this week’s sermon. We apologize for the quality of audio in this week’s recording. We experienced technical difficulties.
Second Sunday after Christmas, 2021
We apologize for the quality of audio in this week’s recording. We experienced technical difficulties.