Sermon Archive (Page 20)

Sermon Archive (Page 20)

Palm Sunday-2020

Readings: John 12:12-19 Isaiah 50:4-9a Philippians 2:5-11 John 12:20-43 Hymns (from the Lutheran Service Book): 443 444 441

Third Sunday in Lent (2020)

Jesus is the one who shows mercy, not to the proud, not to the angry, not to those who are satisfied. But He shows mercy to the thirsty. He knows what you need and at the font of your baptism He made a promise deeper than any marriage vow. A vow that continues so that death may not even part you from Him.

First Sunday in Lent (2020)

When you blame others or make excuses for your sins of thoughts, words or deeds, you are blaming God. This is why Jesus’ temptation is so wonderful. Jesus doesn’t deserve to be led out to the wilderness and to be deprived of food but he does it anyway because the Holy Spirit led him out there to succeed where we have failed.

Purification of Mary and Presentation of Jesus (2020)

He who knew no sin became sin for us that we would be the righteousness of God. The crime scenes in your life whitewashed. Jesus was the sacrifice from Eden. The innocent lamb. And you and I and all who believe and are baptized are covered in his innocence.