VBS 2024

VBS 2024

Seven times in the Gospel of John, Jesus says “I Am…” He says, “I am…

the Good Shepherd…

the Way, the Truth, and the Life…

the Door…

the Light of the World…

the Bread of Life…

the True Vine…

the Resurrection and the Life

At VBS this year, the children learned about what each of these “I Am” statements means. They learned how these “I Am” statements teach about Holy Baptism, Holy Communion, the Holy Gospel, the Holy Ministry, and the resurrection of the flesh. They learned about the Person and Work of Jesus Christ through these unique “I Am” statements.

And they had a FUN time doing it! Through engaging activities, games, good food, fellowship, and at the root of this, good teaching, all who participated in VBS this year learned these important truths while forming enduring memories. We hope you enjoy this small glimpse into VBS at Immanuel and that you’ll join us next year!