There Are No Ordinary People
In May, our High School aged youth went to a combined youth event with the youth of Lord of Life Plano. They hosted us for an evening of “9 Square in The Air” (if you’ve never played this game, it is a combination of volleyball and 4 square – it’s a lot of fun!) and we watched a movie about the conversion of C.S. Lewis. Clive Staples Lewis is known for his defending the…
The Mind That Demands Silent Gods
I have often wondered why in the Old Testament there were so many silent gods. (g)ods made of stone, wood and various other materials were obviously a very regular occurrence in their societies and I often wondered why they were so popular. In fact, created gods are present in every society. I often wondered what the draw or desire is to have gods that cannot speak. I…
It is the glory of God to conceal things…
One of the more perplexing traits of God is that he is not afraid to let us learn. I remember many times being frustrated as a young boy that I had to learn the so called “baby steps” before being able to master a topic. Driving was certainly something that I was frustrated with having to learn how…
Slow Down and Fast
[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] During Lent the question of fasting always comes to the forefront, and it should. We are gluttons by our fallen nature and Lent causes us to stop and repent of our sin of gluttony. There is nothing…
“Behold The Lamb Of God…”
“Time is Money”
You know the old adage, “Time is money.” Maybe this year you will get your schedule or budget under control…as you promised last year. Or I remember when I was a student working through college and I griped to my dad, “I either have no time to have fun or I don’t have money to have fun.” My dad laughed and said, “Welcome to…
Oh Come, Thou Key of David
“O come, Thou Key of David, come, And open wide our heavenly home; Make safe the way that leads on high, And close the path to misery.” In our Tuesday Bible study, we have been examining the beginning of David’s kingdom in 1 & 2 Samuel. Before Thanksgiving we read 2 Samuel 7. In that chapter David desires to build God a home, a temple. However, God tells David that HE…
This is My Son
Many times folks begin to lose hope because life doesn’t go how they expected it to go. No one really believes life will always be sunshine and rainbows. However, we all have expectations and we always, at first anyway, think our expectations are reasonable. But perhaps our expectations were not reasonable to begin with. Many times our relationships with others become a…
No One Ever Hated His Own Flesh…
“No one ever hated his own flesh but nourishes and cherishes it…” I preached this sermon for the Matins service for our conference on Life Issues focusing on transgenderism. The conference began with a Matins service and ended with a Vespers service because no matter what the topic or conference, we believe that the Word of God must be priority. We had…
A Small Catechism on Human Life
Over the summer we’ve been considering Luther’s Small Catechism and how God’s Word teaches us how we should view “Human Life.” This catechism has life and eternal life as its main subject. And when we Christians contemplate life both here and in eternity, when we are contemplating faithfully we will always be led to Jesus who himself said,…
Absolution, God’s Antidote to Evil
There are many ways to react to evil and sin. Many try to distance themselves from their sins when they get caught, “Oh that’s not truly who I am.” They try to claim that their sins don’t belong to them while standing with their proverbial hand in the cookie jar. The sin is still present. It is still having its desired effect on those who sinned…
The Ascenion Of Jesus
“[W]hat is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might 20 that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, 21 far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the…